Thursday, February 23, 2006

  1. i find the idea of trying to come up with 100 things about me to be very daunting
  2. i was born in edmonton, alberta, canada on january 6th, 1978
  3. i am 5'7" and somewhere around 150lbs
  4. as far as i know i'm blonde - but it's been a long time since i've had the patience to let it grow to confirm that fact
  5. i have hazel eyes. when i'm in a good mood they are more green. when i'm in a bad mood, or tired, they are more brown
  6. i grew up in devon, alberta and moved away as soon as logical to do so
  7. i left "home" when i was 13 and never looked back
  8. i moved to edmonton when i was 18
  9. i've since spent time in lake louise, revelstoke, and victoria
  10. i hated lake louise when i was there.....but i miss it more than anything now
  11. i have a great relationship with my older sister despite the fact that the rest of the family talks about her behind her back (hey - i'm sure they talk about me too)
  12. my motto is "no regrets"
  13. i'm not sure that i've ever been in love - i mean the real lasting permanent would give my live kind of love. fur babies not included
  14. i have extremely low self esteem
  15. i have suffered more bouts with depression than i care to remember
  16. but i feel the highs in life with an equally intense passion - or at least i would like to think so
  17. i played piano through most of my childhood and was actually quite good at it.
  18. i don't even remember how to play "chopsticks" now
  19. i don't make friends easily
  20. the friends i do make i keep for life
  21. i long to own a st. bernard puppy and it is one of my goals to eventually be in a position financially to do so (i would want to be a stay at home "mom" for a while with puppy) (and i would need one heck of a big ol house) (and a shop vac to deal with all that hair)
  22. i love coffee. i think if the doctor told me that if i were to have another cup i would die, i would be buried with my favorite mug in my hand the very next day.
  23. i am insecure about everything
  24. i take forever to make a decision - and usually feel that i've made the wrong choice in the end
  25. but yet my friends and family seem to think that i've got it all together. ha.
  26. i am extremely a fault
  27. i am stubborn
  28. i am already running out of things to say
  29. i am a beer or red wine drinker. i will have the occasional white rum.
  30. my favorite holiday drink is rum with cranberry juice and gingerale. yum.
  31. my favorite memory ever is hiking behind lake louise in the dead of winter. i was so far from any kind of civilization i was actually in complete silence for the first time in my life. you don't realize how noisy life is until it all just stops for a moment. my heartbeat echoed like thunder. it was amazing.
  32. a hiker died in an avalanche a few days later very close to where i was that day.
  33. i hate being cold. it actually makes me angry. i would rather have it hot hot hot in my house with windows wide open for fresh air.
  34. my favorite food is lasagna
  35. in my heart of hearts i am super protective and loving of my little brother and sister - but don't posess the vocabulary or the courage to tell them so. (we don't speak of "love" in my family)
  36. i deeply regret not being there while my brother had a bout with crystal meth. he turned into a raving lunatic. he needed someone and i wasn't there for him. actually i think i was scared of him. thankfully he's got a good head on his shoulders and he's okay now.
  37. as a youth i was considered "goth", though it wasn't quite as extreme as it is now. i wore black. i did the black lipstick and nails. i wore a leather biker jacket. and it's true when these kids say they get upset when people stare at them. it's funny how the mind works. we were doing it to try to fade away - not to stand out. we didn't want the attention. don't fear these people - these "weirdos" - most of them are perfectly harmless
  38. i wonder what happened to all those people i used to hang out with
  39. my favorite color to this day remains black - but blue is a close second
  40. despite the fact that i am in the "professional" world now (like it or not) my family still has a hard time believing that i am pulling it off
  41. my favorite movie of all time is the neverending story. the original. don't be fooled by all the crap that has come out bearing this name since then. the effects are actually quite amazing for such an old movie
  42. i have considered becoming a surrogate mother - and still think about it now and then
  43. i quit smoking a year and a half ago and miss it like you wouldn't believe.
  44. i really want to be healthy - but lack the motivation necessary to live a healthy lifestyle
  45. i have a routine that i follow during the week. i get cranky like a little kid when that routine is interrupted.
  46. i try to do something "touristy" at least twice a month
  47. i am a tomboy at heart
  48. i am most comfortable in jeans and a t shirt
  49. on sundays i like to have a "couch day" involving lazing around and watching cheesy television.
  50. i am a closet people pleaser. i like people to think that i don't give a shit. but i do.
  51. i am excited that i'm half way through this list
  52. i love to camp - i "rough it" in a tent, but not without my air matress, my hammock, and my teddy bear
  53. i would love to try back country camping one day, but the thought makes me a little nervous
  54. i have a list of 101 things to do before i die....i wonder how dissappointed i will be in myself if some of those things don't happen.
  55. i hate to fly. but am considering moving somewhere tropical and distant once my fur babies pass away
  56. i do things half assed. just barely good enough. i am a slacker. (hence the composing of this list on my bosses dime)
  57. i am ashamed to admit that
  58. i love music. any music. all music. if i don't love the song, i appreciate the creativity
  59. my dream house involves a loft, a den, a window seat, a breakfast nook, a fire place, a lake, and the mountains
  60. i don't like to talk on the phone. even to friends and family. i'm not sure why. just don't
  61. i wear glasses
  62. i like my hair long though i don't think it suits me
  63. i love to swim though i don't do it very well
  64. i love to ski though i don't do it very well
  65. i don't mind losing as long as someone asks me if i want to play
  66. i am an incredibly loud breather. i annoy even myself sometimes
  67. i was on the board of directors for the humane society
  68. i would love to go back to school but i don't ever seem to have the time or the money
  69. i have many dream jobs. ecologist. environmentalist. psychologist. book store owner. barrista. (strange, i know. there's something soothing about making coffees....)
  70. i don't remember much of my childhood and sometimes wonder if it's just a really bad memory (which plagues me now) or if something happened that i don't want to remember
  71. this is actually easier than i thought it would be
  72. i love stephen king. my favorite books include pet semetary and the talisman
  73. i love taking pictures. i have a ridiculous amount of photo albums and framed pictures. it's getting out of control
  74. i hate being a passenger in a car. i get extremely nervous.
  75. i don't like office work - but it's all i've ever done and really all i know how to do
  76. i have a great relationship with my aunt - but didn't know her at all before her husband passed away a couple of years ago
  77. my cousin once told me that i make everything out to be about me....and i've been wondering ever since if that is really true or if she was just mad at me. i'm very conscious about this now
  78. i would give my life for my cat - mr. tobias elijiah
  79. it takes me a very long time to trust anyone - which is one of the reasons why i don't make friends easily
  80. i don't mind going places alone (dinner, movies, whatever)
  81. i have been in a bunch of car accidents - none of them my fault.
  82. they have left me with a buggered up back and a numb spot on my leg for life
  83. i have kept a written diary for over ten years now, and am concerned that it will go by the wayside with the discovery of the blog
  84. i am interested in paganism
  85. i get along better with men than women, and that fact has caused more tension than you would believe. the men i find easy to talk to also apparently have jealous girlfriends.
  86. i am not a jealous person at all
  87. i would love to scuba dive - but the thought of being under all that water terrifies me
  88. i want to be just like my uncle vern when i grow up
  89. i feel bad that even though i was partly raised by my grandmother i hardly know her
  90. old people scare me....i'm always terrified that they will slip and fall or trip or get lost going to the bathroom or who knows what
  91. i don't want to get old. i'm not scared of dying. i'm scared of my body failing if my mind is still sharp.
  92. i want to be cremated
  93. i believe that my deceased uncle's spirit is linked to my soul......long story
  94. i am scared that i won't ever have enough money to retire and i will work until i am 97 years old
  95. i have a somewhat distant relation who was such a notorious murderer he was somewhat a celebrity
  96. i can always think of more depressing negative comments than good positive ones....i am finding it difficult to find light hearted points to end this list with
  97. i think looking into someones eyes is more intimate than kissing
  98. i think animal lovers are good people. no matter what their walk in life.
  99. i am a closet romantic
  100. i am very, very, very happy that i completed this list. in one sitting. without lying or making things up. i am thankful that i stumbled on this idea from someone elses blog. i am happy that i found the world of blogs. i have to pee. are we done now?


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